
What is your “lot in life”

Your lot in life is your fate, the (card game reference) hand you were dealt.

Villages in several parts of the world would periodically redistribute the assigned use of parcels of communally owned agricultural land by drawing lots. When/where lands were owned/controlled by feudal lords, lot use was assigned by them on whatever basis they chose. The type and quality of an allotted parcel, however chosen, as well as the availability of water and other resources, would determine whether it could best be used as orchard, cropland, or pasturage; the amount and type of work necessary to make it yield a living; thus it set an upper limit on the degree to which a family could prosper. As it was very difficult – in some times and places it was illegal –for villagers to just up and go elsewhere, their lot in life was literally dependent upon their lot. Reference this Yahoo answer1

Lots of other reading

  1. The above explanation is excerpted from a Yahoo answer ↩︎