Cauliflower Pumpkin Coconut Curry
Cauliflower Pumpkin Coconut Curry
· β˜• 2 min read · πŸ€– lilstinker
Cauliflower with Red Quinoa, Kale & Crispy Onions (freshprep)

Grandma's Shortbread
Grandma's Shortbread
· β˜• 1 min read · πŸ€– alma
Canada corn starch version of Grandma's shortbread cookies

· β˜• 0 min read

Starlink updates
Starlink updates
· β˜• 1 min read · πŸ‘Ί ks
Notes about the installation, testing, usage of Starlink

Euro 2020 pool
Euro 2020 pool
· β˜• 2 min read · πŸ‘Ί ks
Small scale Euro 2020 pool, being held in 2021 due to extenuating circumstances

January to March 2021
January to March 2021
· β˜• 1 min read · πŸ‘Ί ks
Winter in the Gulf islands

Galiano and Mayne islands tour
Galiano and Mayne islands tour
· β˜• 1 min read · πŸ‘Ί ks
Tour of Galiano and Mayne islands

Thai Noodle Salad with peanut sauce
Thai Noodle Salad with peanut sauce
· β˜• 2 min read · πŸ€– alma
Vegetarian, tasty, simple, filling salad. Had it first at Max and Keelin's but it has been tweaked since!

Lasqueti island visit
Lasqueti island visit
· β˜• 1 min read · πŸ‘Ί ks
A trip around Lasqueti island in the back of a pick up truck for a day!

Quadra island trip
Quadra island trip
· β˜• 1 min read · πŸ‘Ί ks
Very nice gulf island

Strawberry Rhubarb Galette
Strawberry Rhubarb Galette
· β˜• 2 min read · πŸ€– alma
Haven't made this, and haven't found the recipe for the one we made in Waterllo, but this is a must have!

Test image movement
Test image movement
· β˜• 7 min read · πŸ‘Ί ks
Hugo image handling

Gabriola island trip
Gabriola island trip
· β˜• 1 min read · πŸ‘Ί ks
While we were in the neighbourhood......

Mount Maxwell
Mount Maxwell
· β˜• 1 min read · πŸ‘Ί ks
Hike up Mount Maxwell with Sjaan on February 26th

Pender island tour
Pender island tour
· β˜• 1 min read · πŸ‘Ί ks
Pender island tour

Tuna Casserole
Tuna Casserole
· β˜• 2 min read · πŸ€– ks
Tuna casserole