First serious hike of the new year. Should have been a 6.5km loop, but we took a wrong turn at marker number 5 and went inland, then up to the hilltop, and then back down by the farm. 8.3km later we were pretty bushed, but this is a good hike.
Shoreline trail:
The shoreline trail at Ruckle park
Shoreline trail:
Arbutus tree Shoreline trail:
The first bay Shoreline trail:
The view across to North Pender island Shoreline trail:
A rocky beach in one of the bays Shoreline trail:
Comms are a go! Shoreline trail:
The lone gunman Shoreline trail:
Duck! Shoreline trail:
The view across Captain's passage to Prevost island Shoreline trail:
Moss covered trees Shoreline trail:
Grove of huge cedar trees